Who discovered anthrax
While other investigators discovered the anthrax bacillus, it was a german physician and sientist, Dr.Robert Koch, who proved that the anthrax bacterium was the cause of a disease that affected farm animals in his community.
What type of scientist treat the disease?
French scientist Louis Pasteur developed the first effected vaccine in 1881. Anthrax has been developed as a weapon in the past by at least 5 states bioweapons programs those of the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, Russia and Iraq.
How Far Has Treatment come?
In the 1950’s - The first anthrax vaccine for humans is created
Volunteers were given either the vaccine or a placebo (a shot that does not have the vaccine in it.) The volunteers were then followed over a 2-year period. This Study, showed that the vaccine was 92.5% effective.